Sergei Sitar
“Theory and history” module leader, MARCH Architectural School, Theory editor, “Project International” magazine,
member of Russian Union of Architects.
1996 graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute, Department of History & Theory, MArch
1991 – 1992 Southern Californian Institute of Architecture (Sci-Arch).
Research & professional experience:
2012 – present “Theory and history” module leader, MARCH Architectural School, Moscow
2005 – present Independent architectural critic, architect and exhibition designer
2001 – present “Project International” architectural magazine, deputy editor-in-chief / theory editor
2011-2012 Scientific director of ERA program (esthetic development / rehabilitation), Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, organized by Center of contemporary architecture (Moscow) and North Ossetian Government
2011 Authored “Architecture of the External World”, a book on interrelationship between natural sciences and architectural theory throughout European history (Moscow, Novoe Izdatelstvo Press, forthcoming 2012)
2010 – 2011 Lecturer at Strelka Institute for Architecture, Media and Design
2005 – 2010 Co-authored a series of strategic development programs for regional centers of RF including Norilsk, Sochi, and cities of YaNAO region
2002 – 2005 curator of Russian section of International ‘Shrinking Cities’ research program, organized by German Federal Cultural Foundation and Projektbüro Philipp Oswalt, Berlin
1995 – 2001 “Project Russia” architectural magazine, co-founder, author, deputy editor-in-chief and art-director
Golden Section Prize, Moscow Union of Architects, 2003
Lyceum Fellowship, 1991, 1st prize