Shimon Yakerson
Book historian
Shimon Yakerson (Iakerson), PhD,– Head of the Department of Semitic and Hebrew Studies in the St. Petersburg State University, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Curator of the Judaica Collections of the Russian Museum of Ethnography, correspondent member of the Hebrew Palaeography Project (Jerusalem), expert in the History of the Hebrew book in the Middle Ages, holder of the first Honorable Medal of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress “For Service to the Jewish People” (July 28 2005, Jerusalem) for the publication of the “Catalogue of Hebrew Incunabula from the Collection of the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America”. (New York and Jerusalem. 2004 – 2005) and a winner of the Anziferof award for outstanding research on St. Petersburg (November 12 2009) for the publication of the album “Jewish Treasures of Petersburg” (Saint-Petersburg, 2008 - 2009).