Noam Mizrahi
Bible scholar
Dr. Noam Mizrahi has received his academic degrees from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, all of them in distinction (BA in 2000, MA in 2002). He completed his PhD in 2008, under the supervision of Prof. Avi Hurvitz of the Deaprtments of Bible and Hebrew Language. He was a post-dosctoral fellow at Harvard University (USA) and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany). Upon his return to Israel in 2012, he was named as an Allon Fellow of the national Council for Higher Education and was appointed as faculty member at the Department of Hebrew CUlture Studies, and then at the Department of Bible of Tel Aviv University.
Dr. Mizrahi has won numerous and prestiguous scholarships, prizes and research grants both in Israel and abroad. Among other things, he was a Rothenstreich fellow during his doctoral studies, a Rothschild post-doctoral fellow, and got research grants from the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture (New York), Israel Science Foundation, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) etc. He is also an awarded teacher, and got the TAU Rector Award for excellent teaching in 2015.