Gasan Gusejnov
Professor of Classics at the Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University
Professor of the Academy of National Economy, Moscow (Russian Political Rhetoric and the New Media)
Education and Degrees: 2002 Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow): Dr. habil. in Russian Studies (doktor filologicheskix nauk), Title of dissertation: Soviet Ideologemes in Post-Soviet Russian Discourse.
1991-1992 University of Heidelberg: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow
1979 Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology (PhD) Title of dissertation: Mythologemata of Fate, Truth and Ritual in the Tragedies of Aeschylus
1975 Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology (MPhil) Title of “diplom” (= M.A. thesis) Daimon in Aeschylus
Academic positions: University of Basel (Switzerland), Dartmouth College (USA), University of Bonn, University of Düsseldorf, Universities of Aarhus and Copenhagen, University of Bremen, Institute of World Literature of the Russian (Soviet) Academy of Sciences, Theatre High School (GITIS), Moscow.
Current research fields:
• History of Classical Philology in Russia and Eastern Europe
• Contemporary Russian Literature and the Post-Imperial Ethnic Contacts and Conflicts
• Internet as a Tool for Education and Linguistic Experiment
Other fields of research:
• Reception of the Greek and Roman Culture and Literature in Russia (17th-21st
• Memoirs and Autobiographic Literature from the 18th Century to the Present
• Visual Representations of Political and Gender Identity in the post-Soviet Russian
• Russian Language and Ideology in the 20th and 21st Century
Teaching expertise and areas of interest
• History of Greek and Roman Literature (Introductory Module)
• Greek and Latin Mythology and Rhetorical Tradition
• Reading Greek and Latin Authors
• Contemporary Russian Prose and Poetry (Introductory Module, BA, MA in Literature)
• 18th-20th Century Russian Memoir Literature (BA, MA in Literature and Cultural
• Verbal and Visual Representation of Identity in the Russian Media (BA, MA in Cultural