Alexander Grishchenko


Since March 16, 2009, PhD in Philology (thesis The Idiostyle of Nikolai Morshen on the specialties “Russian Language” and “Russian Literature”, defended at MSPU). In 2000–2005, undergraduate student at the Philological Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU). In 2005–2008, postgraduate student in the Russian Language Department of MSPU (the supervisors: Prof. Natalia A. Nikolina and Prof. Vladimir V. Agenosov).

Since September 2006, Assistance Lecturer, since March 2011 — Associate Professor and then Professor in the Russian Language Department of MSPU. In 2006–2008, Assistance Lecturer in the Department of Russian Language and Pedagogical Methodologies of Moscow Pedagogical Institute for the Humanities; in 2010–2011, Associate Professor in the Russian Language and Stylistics Department of the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute; since 2010, Associate Professor in the Modern Russian Language Department of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities; since April 2015, Senior Researcher at the Department of Typology and Comparative Linguistics of the Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; since 2018, at the Department of Slavic Linguistics. Researcher at the Russian State Library.

Member of the Editorial Board of the Series III. Philology in the Bulletin of St. Tikhon’s University for the Humanities (Vestnik Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriia III: Filologiia).

Member of the Academic Board of the journal Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni (Warsaw). Member of the Editorial Board and Executive Editor of the international journal of Slavic studies Slověne = Словѣне (2012–2018). Academic Interests: Sociolinguistics. Slavic ethnolinguistics. Onomastics. Lexical semantics of the Russian language. Russian lexicography. Palaeoslavistics. History of the Russian and Church Slavonic languages. Judeo-Russian contacts in medieval Slavia Orthodoxa. Ethnonyms. Ethnic slurs. Ethnophaulisms.

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