Oleg Aronson
Philosopher and film critic
Oleg Aronson was born in 1964 in Orsha (in present-day Belarus) into a family of physicians. In 1986 he graduated from the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Railroad Engineering. He worked as a system programmer (1986-89) and then as a research associate at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, where he became a graduate student in 1990. In 1997 he defended his dissertation, which focused on philosophical problems in the analysis of cinema. Since 2004 he has been a senior research associate and senior lecturer at the Russian State Humanities University (RGGU). His book publications include Bohemia: The Experience of Community. An Introduction to the Philosophy of the Asocial (2002) and Metacinema (2003), with received a special prize from the Russian Guild of Film Scholars in 2004. Amongst his articles are the Introductions to Pier Paolo Pasolini's Theorem (2002), Gilles Deleuze's Nietzsche and Philosophy (2003) and Cinema-1: Movement-Image. Cinema-2: Time-Image (2004). He has published in Cinema Notes (Kinovedcheskie zapiski), Art of Cinema (Iskusstvo kino), New Literary Review (Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie), The Blue Couch (Sinii divan), and others. Several of his articles have been translated into English, German, and French.