The Feeling of Space

  • 03 March 2019
    Why architecture is more than a set of buildings?
    • 03 March 2019, 20:00

    Architecture continues to figure within Walter Benjamin’s The Arcades Project. Architecture concerns as much a set of built edifices – e.g. building, bridges – as it does urban propositions. As significantly it is linked to the way in which space is understood within modernity. Benjamin suggests that what is both ‘new and decisive’ (Neue, Entscheidende) about contemporary architecture is what he described as ‘the feeling of space’ (das Raumgefühl)? It is the question of space and the creation of space that links architecture to a specific political project. In his 1931 text The Destructive Character Benjamin writes that ‘the destructive character knows only one watchword: make room (Platz schaffen). And only one activity: clearing away (räumen).’ Again, space and the creating of space are central concerns. The aim of Prof. Andrew Benjamin's lecture will be to look at the way in which space creation is linked to a mode of creation; namely creation through destruction. The limit and the strength of Benjamin’s position resides in the type of possibilities that can be attributed to this logic.

    Entrance free of charge, online registration is required.