Nathan Englander Live in Moscow

  • 28 November 2018
    Nathan Englander's storytelling based on the narrative material of his latest book
    • 28 November 2018, 20:30

    American author Nathan Englander is always on the lists like 20 Writers for the 21st Century or 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories, gets Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award or Bard Fiction Prize, is published in dozens of languages, and all this - due to his incomparable gift of storytelling.

    That is why, Englander is better heard live. The New Yorker always uploads his short stories read by the author in addition to the printed version, and the major storytelling project The Moth boosts its rating due to his oral performances.

    Moscow premiere of Nathan Englander's spoken word performance will take place on November 28, 8.30pm at Meyerhold Center (23 Novoslobodskaya St.). Nathan will tell stories connected to his latest book on Israel, Jerusalem and the Arab-Israeli conflict - Dinner at the Center of the Earth.

    The performance will be in English with optional simultaneous translation (in earphones).

    Entrance free of charge, online booking is required.