Reading and Imagination
Does an author always understand what he or she writes? What role does a reader play and how does one’s imagination affect an understanding of written words? Does a text have an unconscious? Why does 20th century philosophy and psychology rediscover ancient sacred texts? Literary critic Avivah Zornberg (Israel) and philosopher Jonathan Cohen (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) address these questions by analyzing two classical Biblical narratives.
27 February 2012, 20:00
Reading and Imagination. Balaam
Reading and Imagination. A Mirror
Prof. Jonathan Cohen's Piano Improvisations
Лекция Авивы Зорнберг о зеркалах
Лекция Ионатана Коэна о Розенцвейге и Библии
Антология источников про стратегии чтения и психоанализ
Правдивые истории о мудрых женщинах и благочестивых ослицах
Avivah Zornberg.The Murmuring Deep: Reflections on Biblical Unconscious
Ионатан Коэн. Фрейд, Фромм, Штраус и Бубер читают Библию
А. Зорнберг и И. Коэн в Мастерской